dr sci med Vladan Petrović
dr sci med Vladan Petrović
Radna biografija
2000 – 2021 Načelnik internog odeljenja i službe gastroenterologije, Opšta bolnica u Vršcu
1993 – 2000 Lekar na odeljenju gastroenterologije, Zdravstveni centar u Vršcu
1990 – 1993 Lekar na internom odeljenju, Zdravstveni centar u Vršcu
1986 – 1989 Specijalizacija interne medicine, Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu
1983 – 1986 Lekar u hitnoj pomoći, Zdravstveni centar u Vršcu
1982 – 1983 Škola za rezervne oficire sanitetske struke, VMA Beograd
1981 – 1982 Lekar u domu zdravlja, Zdravstveni centar u Vršcu
1980 – 1981 Obavezan lekarski staž nakon fakulteta
1963 – 1971 Osnovna škola u Svetozarevu
1971 – 1975 Gimnazija u Svetozarevu
1975 – 1980 Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu
1986 – 1989 Specijalizacija interne medicine, Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu
1993 Uža specijalizacija iz gastroentero-hepatologije
1997 Magistarske studije, Madicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
2002 Doktorska disertacija, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Milosavljevic T., Jovanovic D., Petrovic V. Helicobater pylori infekcija – 100 pitanja I odgovora, Hemofarm, Vrsac, 2000.
Naučni projekti (studije)
Petrović V. Principal investigator of “Project CIBIS-ELD trial. 2007-2010”
Petrovic V. PI of Project STRIM trial 2011-2012.
Petrovic V. PI of Project MOLITOR 2011-2014
Petrovic V. PI of Project BIOSTAT 2011-2014
Petrovic V. PI of Project RLY 5016-301 2013
Vise od 15 kliničkih studija od 2005. Do danas.
Predavanja po pozivu
Petrovic V. Invited to present a lecture on:“Helicobacter pylori infection” at the University of Niš, Faculty of medicine, Center for CME at the Seminar on continuous medical education dedicated on: “Diagnostic and Therapy of the Diseases Associated With The Increased Secretion of Gastric Acid”
Publokovani radovi i posteri
[1] Petrović V. QT Syndrome in Patient with Idiopathic Prolapse of the Mitral Valve. Srp arh celok lek 1988; 116: 323-9
[2] Petrović V. Total Serum Cholesterol Levels and Tumors of the Colon and Rectum. Arch Gastroenterohepatol. 1995; 14:38-39.
[3] Petrović V. Diagnosis of helicobacter pylori infection, Acta fac med Naiss 2003;20(1):11-21.
[4] Itebejac-Petrović G., Petrović V., Častven J. Haemolytic-uremic Syndrome. Bulletin of Hematology.1997; 25 (2/3): 152-4.
[5] Petrović V., Jeličić B. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor-Rare Cause of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (case report) Archive of Oncology (in press)
[6] DimitrijevicM, Beljin V., Petrovic V., Djukic V. Gastroesophageal reflux disease correlation with posterior laryngitis. Vojnosanit Pregl 2009; May vol. 66 (No. 5):pp 343-414
[7] Petrović V. Peripapillary Diverticula-frequency and Associated Pathology during ERCP 8th Annual Congress of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), 2000 – Nice, France.
[8] Petrović V., Čolović R., Čolović. M. Gastric MALT lymphoma (case report), Arh Gastroenterohepatol 1996:15 (suppl.7)
[9] Petrović V. et all. Early complication in diagnostic et therapeutic ERCP_10 years experience(poster), I award of Serbian National Congress of Gastroenterology, 2007.
[10] Petrović V. et all. Endoscopic hemostatic therapy of bleeding peptic ulcers-injection vs. injection+endoclips (poster) Serbian National Congress of Gastroenterology, 2007.
[11] Janjić D, Petrovic V., Stojanović M, Mihajlović S, Nestorović M. ERCP and EPT in acute complicated pancreatitis: case report (poster).The 41st Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club, Szeged, Hungary 2009
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